
Artificial Intelligence

The main challenges for generative AI privacy compliance: the EDPB new report on ChatGPT Taskforce

27 Giugno 2024
On April 13, 2023, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) established a taskforce to foster cooperation and exchange information on possible enforcement actions on the processing of personal data in the context of ChatGPT (“ChatGPT Taskforce”). As is commonly known, ChatGPT is the generative artificial intelligence (“G-AI”) service provided by the company OpenAI OpCo, LLC. […]

Italy’s new draft law on artificial intelligence

7 Maggio 2024
On April 23, the Italian Council of Ministers approved a draft law (“disegno di legge”) to introduce provisions that empower the Italian Government in the field of artificial intelligence (“DDL AI”). This draft law amends the initial version that was circulated in early April. The DDL AI, which includes 26 articles, establishes regulatory criteria aimed […]

Artificial Intelligence Act: innovation, risks, and protection of fundamental rights

17 Gennaio 2024
In April 2021, the European Commission (the “Commission”) proposed the regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (the Artificial Intelligence Act, briefly the “AI Act”), the first european regulation on artificial intelligence (“AI”). In the following years, the Commission proposed other legal initiatives, connected to the AI systems, such as, in September 2022, the […]

2024 - Morri Rossetti

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